How to upgrade YOUR CrossFit SKILLS in 12 weeks without frustration using bespoke coaching & programming

I've put together a FREE workshop that shows you behind the scenes of scaling up your CrossFit skills and how you can use it to achieve RX results without RX hurdles.

FREE, but limited spots: Starts 10/06/2024

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Why listen to me on this?

Hey, I'm Joseph

Struggling to master all the CrossFit movements was a challenge, but with a bespoke training program addressing my weaknesses, I achieved success. Focusing on building strength, refining technique and achieving consistency all whilst sidestepping the guess work, resulted in me upgrading my CrossFit skillset from scaled to RX.

What's the WORKSHOP about?

assess where we're at

Where in our journey are we in the present?

Address where we need to go

Spotlight how we move the needle of progress

build a bespoke plan of action

Together, put in place a specific plan of action